Bob & Pat Bio/Reviews
years ago in
SC, Pat &
Bob wrote
& recorded
bunch of
tunes, played
in several
a punk band
called The
are some shots
from a show we
played in 1979
at the Agora
Live Pat](abuselivepat3.jpg)
and London
England as
First Men on
the Sun...
mag called NMX
Back in
Spartanburg SC
early 80's we
released a
45RPM EP...
Here's a review from a Talahassee Fla gig we played with
Joe King Carrasco...
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LA Times
Eclectic Electric:
..."It's a cross between bluegrass and psychedelic rock" says
Byars who's originally from South Carolina. The band has a
self-produced CD that is receiving some airplay on several
local stations. Byars, the primary singer and writer of Eye
Scream Headache, lists some influcences that are somewhat
eclectic as well: the Grateful Dead and Frank Zappa. "I like
the way the Dead mixed in country elements (into rock)," Byars
says. "I was a Deadhead for about four or five years in the
late '70s." But while the Dead influenced his music, Zappa
altered Byars entire world view. "I heard Zappa very
early---when I was in the sixth grade," Byars says. "It blew
my whole head open."
by James Fowler, April 18, 1998
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Berkeley Express
Pat Byar's brainchild
Eye emits psychedlic prog-rock with heavy Dead and Zappa
influences and a bit of bluegrass and Sproul Plaza drumming
thrown into the mix.
by Lee Hildebrand, August 23,
HTML clipboard
Relix Magazine
Eye is a California band
with a sound that fuses progressive rock and psychedelia, and
adds a few hard-edged twists as well as a few folk curves.
Actually from the self-titled CD, it appears that the band is
the brainchild of multi-instrumentalist Pat Byars more than
anything. There's some strong material here, and despite the
fact that Byars plays most of the instruments (save for
percussion by Walter Phelan), this feels and sounds like a
true band effort. Best cuts are the soaring rock of "Six
Finger Handshake," which contains some blistering guitar work
and thunderous percussion, and the more infectious rock of
"Stalled In First Gear."
by Mick Skidmore, August 1998